If internet marketing is your area of venture, then email marketing is definitely one of your marketing strategies. Many people opt for email marketing because it has the potential to provide high conversions especially if your email recipients are pleased by your email newsletters. However, if you are to make much out of your email marketing campaign, your email newsletters should make the difference. For you to interact and build strong relationships with your leads and customers, you must focus on sending email newsletters that are just irresistible. Basically, an email newsletter should serve as a summary of your most recent content, products and offers. For effective email newsletters, here is a guide that can help you navigate the venture.

Optimize For Deliverability

One aspect about email newsletters is that you must optimize them for deliverability. You want to send out newsletters that will not be send to the spam list by your recipients. In terms of optimization, you must first ensure that the content you are sending is relevant. You not only want your customers to read your newsletter but also share it with others. You must set the right expectations for your newsletters. For instance, why should potential customers subscribe and what will the emails entail. By setting your expectations right, you will minimize the chances of someone being surprised by your email and end up unsubscribing from it.

Newsletter Design

An email newsletter is not just any piece of paragraph you can put up and send out to your customers. The design of your newsletter has a great influence on the conversion rates. In terms of design, it is important to maintain consistency with your newsletter template all year round. It is advisable to only change the newsletter’s design template once in a year and preferably at the beginning. Some aspects you can change on a monthly basis include headline images and colors to ensure the newsletter is not getting stale. Be sure to keep in mind your product brand when designing an email newsletter. In email marketing, the rule of thumb is always “less is more”.

Email Newsletter Body and Content

When sending email newsletters, content is key. Every newsletter you send out should include:

  1. Your business’s social media links at the bottom and top of the email.
  2. A table of contents at the top of the email. Every item in the table of contents should be linked to their corresponding pages on your site.

Be sure to upload the email newsletter to a web page and include a link at the top of the email offering recipients the option to view it on their browser.

When writing your email newsletters, you should limit the amount of primary content to less than five different content pieces. Some of the content you could have on your newsletter includes blog articles, checklists and guides, video testimonials and case studies, special deals and company announcements. The content in your email newsletters should direct the recipients back to your website and prompt them to take some action. Make sure you limit the non-educational content in your email newsletter.

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